Make A Toy Car/Telektek (Sundanese)

1. make a toy car (Telektek, Sundanese)


  1. Bamboo side
  2. former sandals, made into a 4 wheel
  3. 2 units of bamboo round (diameter 1 cm; length of 2 cm), Also could use the former markers pictures
  4. wood / banbu length (approximately 1 mile)
  5. 1 whole milk cans (large: cans sweetened condensed milk)
  6. 1/4 small sections brands of canned milk Bearbrand
  7. 2 sheets of thick Tin (can of sweetened condensed milk tins) measures 1 cm x 2 cm, and skewed / bent 90 degrees.
  8. rubber bands to taste

How To Make:

The divisions cut bamboo into the following picture
potongan bambu belah
pieces of bamboo split

While the ingredients are prepared to be like this
bahan lain yang disiapkan
other materials prepared

sets all the ingredients as follows:

a. take 2 pieces of bamboo No. 1, and 1 bamboo cut no. 2, sets such as images, and bound with rubber.
bambu no. 1 & 2
bamboo No. 1 & 2

b. Add the bamboo is no. 3 on the side of the above series
tambah bambu no.3
Add bamboo No.3

c. No. 4 bamboo belt at approximately one-third of the top series. and fixes the two bamboo round as in the picture below
tambah bambu no. 4 dan bambu bulat pendek
Add No. 4 bamboo and bamboo short rounded

d. the skewer piece canister with bamboo No. 2 and tied with a rubber behind bamboo No. 4 above, until the result like this
kaleng susu kecil ditempatkan pada rangkaian
small milk cans placed on a series of

e. Take bamboo No.7 and halve/iris a bit of the core, then enter a twisted opposite of cans. bamboo No. 7 was included in a round bamboo.
membuat as roda
make the axle

f. install the wheels on the u.s. (No. 7). Attach the rubber between the wheel and the canister, and then mount the Tin bat (dipilin on rubber toward the back). If the memilinnya, when the wheels run forward then stick hit butt cans.
rangkaian bawah
circuit down

g. create series of top by using leftover pieces of bamboo that is then combined with the series down. Whole milk cans tied on it as the oil tank accessories.
rangkaian atas dan bawah setelah digabungkan
a series of top and bottom after combined
rangkaian utuh
a series of intact

h. create your front wheel using the rest of the ORB used sandals, and a long stick, such as a gbr. the following
roda depan
front wheel

i. combine the two so that it becomes a toy toy cars (the term in West Java: telektek)
cars / telektek

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